Manju Lyn Bazzell
Manju Lyn Bazzell has worked for decades with leaders in organizations to transform cultures, build team-based structures, and enhance effective communications. She is a masterful synthesizer, and passionate about connecting dots in a meaningful way. Her worldview and vision of the possible are inspirational. For over a decade, she has been exploring how we can build systems committed to creating long- lasting, broad benefit for the good of the whole.
In the last ten years she has worked primarily with exemplary leaders and organizations in the field of democracy. Manju is the board chair of Healthy Democracy, an international award-winning nonprofit, served on the board of directors for the Co-Intelligence Institute as well as multiple other nonprofit boards over the last few decades. She has worked closely with Robert Fersh, founder of Convergence Center for Policy Resolution in Washington D.C. She is the principal and co-founder of Now We’re Talking, an organization committed to transform democracy through communication, education, inspiration, and action. Manju served on the board and as the Executive Director of a well-known 501(c)(3) spiritual organization, founded a successful San Francisco organizational consulting firm in the 1980s, and was an award-winning inner-city school teacher in Dallas, Texas in the 1970s. She lives in Ashland, Oregon, loves her family and friends, is playful and loves to laugh!