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ACPC Live!

Wednesday Community Gathering: - This is currently on hold for additional planning.


What’s happening? Who’s doing what? How can I get involved? We actively encourage everyone in our community to join us for our open invitation community gatherings each Wednesday, in our office, 33 First St. Suite 1, Ashland, OR (diagonal across from Post Office) at 4:00 pm.


At ACPC Live! you will learn about the latest actions we are launching, have an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and get involved, create new possibilities and help initiative our exciting 2018 – 2021 strategic plan.


Here you will learn all of the information you need about the Ashland Culture of Peace Commission and how you can become involved in creating a culture of peace in our community. This is an experiential gathering where we ask each person to reflect on what a culture of peace means to them. Sharing this with one another not only brings us closer together as a community but creates a felt experience of a culture of peace. It is from this felt experience that we learn what our role as a peace ambassador could be in our own town.


 We believe that peace begins within each one of us and in the maxim that we cannot give away what we ourselves do not possess. Thus every gathering and meeting we have is a practice ground for discovering how to create a culture of peace. If you are ready to connect with others in exploration and consider your role in creating a culture of peace, this meeting is for you.


This is also a time and place when new ideas and projects are born.


Please join us.


ACPC Office • 33 First St. Suite 1 • Ashland, OR (diagonal across from Post Office) • 541-552-1061

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©2021 Culture of Peace Commissions.

2305-C Ashland St. #337, Ashland, OR 97520

541-552-1061 •


Website updated and maintained by Mia Ferrell

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