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A 1999 United Nation’s Culture of Peace resolution called for a transformation from a culture of war and violence to one of peace. “A culture of peace is a set of values, attitudes, traditions and modes of behavior and ways of life…”*

A community-wide movement dedicated to transforming our attitudes, behaviors, and institutions into ones that foster 

harmonious relationships with each other and the natural world.

Aligned with this and Margaret Mead’s notion that it’s only been small groups of thoughtful committed citizens that have changed the world, a group of eight inspired Ashland thinkers collaborated for two years before creating a Culture of Peace Proclamation with the Ashland City Council in March 2015.

* United Nations Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace (A/RES/53/243).

Ashland Culture of Peace Commission VALUES:

✥  Brings heart and compassion to conversations, decision-making, and systems.

✥  Recognizes the inherent value of each person, the diversity within community.

✥  Invites everyone’s participation, relying on the natural gifts of each community member.

✥  Encourages mutual respect so that all residents and visitors feel safe, heard, and empowered.

✥  Establishes trust through holding all persons responsible for their actions.

✥  Employs compassionate listening to air feelings, viewpoints, and concerns.

✥  Discovers solutions through collaborative exploration.

✥  Emphasizes the universal values of kindness, generosity, love and beauty, caring and curiosity.

✥  Seeks larger truths and broader perspectives to better comprehend local and world affairs.

✥  Values and nurtures all of life, honoring the environment and promoting humanity’s balanced place in the web of existence.

✥  Builds upon the foundation of existing groups contributing to the wellness of the world.

✥  Creates an emerging, evolving, living model for thriving together as fellow humans.


Our Compass:

• Compassion

• Inclusivity

• Authenticity

• Change

• Accountability

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